Sunday, December 20, 2009

L'Arc~en~Ciel - Hurry Xmas - DTXMania

Merry Christmas! I've been working on this DTX, a little bit at a time, all year long. It's a really fun song...though the DTX looks pretty challenging in parts. The ride cymbal is a little hard to hear in the video, but not in the actual DTX.

Maoke Jackson was kind enough to help me synch it (I'm a little out of practice since I haven't made a DTX in a while), as well as contributing some ideas.... so a big thanks goes to him. I think it may still need a few tweaks before it's perfect. Suggestions & comments are welcome.


Friday, November 20, 2009

I'm not dead!

Greetings, DTX-seekers! Due to some life/heath issues, I've been away for a while....but I wanted to post and say that I haven't given up on DTXing, and plan to fix the dead links soon!

I also have a special "Christmas Surprise" DTX on the way. Hmmm, I wonder what that could be?

I'm afraid to look at the page traffic at the moment, but if you're still keeping an eye on this page, thanks for your patience.

Watch out for ninjas,


Sunday, July 5, 2009

George Washington *Version 2* New & Improved!

I'm enjoying my nice lazy 3-day weekend, chillin', eatin' Chinese food and playing Killer I didn't feel like turning into "Crazy tunnel-vision DTX-makin' man" (which turns me into a zombie for about 10 hours), but I didn't want to not release anything at here it is:

A slightly more competent remake of my very first DTX simfile, about the nation's first badass. Only a little late for Independence Day. The Basic version is almost the same as my original version from last year. The Extreme version is harder, but still not "hard".


This one also has a preview, result images, and all the fancy stuff I didn't know how to do before. Funnily enough, I sampled the keysounds from the song when I originally made it, but I added a few new ones that I didn't know how to incorporate before.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Beastie Boys - Shake Your Rump

This song is awesome. One of my favorite Beasties songs, and one of the best ones on Paul's Boutique. Lots of neat drumming action in this one. 95% of the keysounds are sampled from the song. It's probably not even worth trying to play this one with the keysounds turned off. It took about a week to do. I didn't rush or set any particular timeline for myself. It was kinda like "it's done when it's done". I was sick for the making of most of it, so that was probably for the best. I hope you guys enjoy playing it as much as I enjoyed making it. Make it funky. Free James Brown!


Comments and snacks are appreciated.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Hyde - Masquerade

It's finally done! Another awesome drumming song from Hyde. This one has a lot of cymbals. Though not shown here, there's a dual lane & a right lane-only version. I'm hoping this will be the first one I don't feel the need to tweak. It took the better part of 2 days


Comments are welcome!

Monday, June 15, 2009

They Might Be Giants - Why Does the Sun Shine? (Live)

This is They Might Be Giants' cover of a 50's educational song. The live version is super energetic and nothing like their studio version (or the original). It's a highlight of every TMBG show, and I've been to quite a few to see.

A really bright cheery rock song. It's another relatively easy song to play. Great for practice & warmup, or to impress the laydeez. Give it a chance & you'll likely love it.


More TMBG on the way. They have so many good drum songs it's hard to know where to start.

Monday, June 8, 2009

TETSU69 - A Wonderful World

Here's another fun song.

I watched the video a couple times on YouTube and then it got stuck in my I made a DTX! This is by Tetsu from L'Arc~en~Ciel, one of his solo songs. It's a nice, relaxed, summer-y song.


This is a great practice song for folks like me that have a hard time with faster alternating snare/hi-hat patterns. It's 100bpm, so it's not too fast, but fast enough to be tricky if you're not used to it. If anybody wants an easier version, i'm pretty sure I can pull off a playable one for this.

I still can't play the hi-hats parts & the bass drum at the same time, so it's not quite as easy as I hoped it would be.

Download it, toss it into your it as a 1st song warmup, right after Oranges! :P It grows on you.

They Might Be Giants - Oranges

Fresh squeezed!

This is a short, silly song. It's sort of a joke commercial recorded for the designers of the TMBG site (at the time), The Chopping Block. It's always made me laugh, and I thought it would be a fun warmup DTX. An added humorous bonus is, if you watch the video with headphones, it sorta feels like the oranges are talking to you (due to the fact that John's voice is panned to the right channel).

E-solutions for E-verybody!


Comments/impressions are welcome.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Rap Chop - DJ Steve Porter

It's done. Fastest simfile I've ever made. Here it is. You can now chop to the beat right along with Vince. I had to do it. Consider it a tribute to the genius of DJ Steve Porter.

The drum sounds are mostly classic Roland 808 samples. The lasergun (Simmons?) toms were provided by Sleazy86, and the various Slap Chop samples were slap-chopped out of the dialogue from the original commercial (with my 9 yr old copy of Cooledit). No Slap Chops (or nuts) were harmed in the making of this video.


Tacos, Frettuccine, Linguine, Martini, Bikini...

Thursday, May 14, 2009

L'Arc~en~Ciel - Vivid Colors

I decided to do a song from Hyde's other band (lolz). I was surprised that this wasn't in Meow's collection on GDAMania, so I figured I'd go ahead & remedy that. This one is pretty easy to play, but with blazingly fast fills. It will probably be easy to S, but hard to SS. We sucky people need easy songs too.

I used a mishmash of BaCkDrAfT's drumkits for this one. The toms are from his Solid Maple set. the snare is from the White Ash kit, and the bass drum is from the Coated Fat Boy set, and I believe I used the splash from the Solid Maple also. The rest are from my collection. I really tried to pick sounds that matched the song.

Both versions of the PV/Video are included. I used version 2 for the YT video.


Comments/impressions are welcome.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Hyde - Hello

I'd been overlooking this song because I didn't have the video/PV in my folder-o-videos. I tried to do all the singles first, and I forgot about this one. It's 99.999 perecent done, but as always, I'll probably go back & revise it once. It's a pretty straight forward rock song, but there are some tricky-looking hi-hats in there.

There's a small skip toward the end of the YouTube video that doesn't exist in the simfile. I tried re-encoding, but it just did it again for some reason.


Comments/impressions are welcome.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Yoshida Brothers - Rising

Ok, this one is finally done. Maybe. I always end up going back and revising.

If you've never heard this song, you really should listen to it once. I don't think it's possible to dislike it.

I worked really hard on the simfile, so I hope everyone likes it. I wanted to try to do the song justice, since it kicks so much ass.

I'll probably go back & tweak the keysounds and double check the fills.


Comments are welcome.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Hyde - Shining Over You

There are 2 selectable versions, the one shown here., and a version with both cymbals in the right lane (china & crash).


It's been a while since my last simfile. I started this one a while back, but didn't have time to give it the attention it deserved. When I finally got my computer fixed I decided to finish this one since I wouldn't have to start from scratch. It's coming along really well.

This is probably the most interesting Hyde song I've done yet, from a drumming perspective. Many fills & interesting patterns. It's a really great of the best on the album. Apparently it has some connection to Final Fantasy. I'm really proud of how it came out.

Comments/impressions are welcome.

Edit: Yoshida Brothers' Rising is almost done.

Friday, April 10, 2009

HYDE is coming to America with VAMPS!!!!!!!

Watch Vamps Tour 2009 in Music  |  View More Free Videos Online at

Hyde is doing a limited tour of the U.S.A. (and various other parts of the world) this summer, with Vamps.

He's only played in the US twice before. Once with L'Arc~en~Ciel for Otakon, and a few shows at House of Blues in California for the Faith tour in 2006. This time, he's coming to the east coast too!

Tickets for the Baltimore show went on sale this morning, and I already bought mine. I hope to go to the Warped Tour show as well, but it's only going to be a 30 or 40 minute set, so I'm still trying to decide.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

I didn't die or get abducted by aliens....

Just wanted to let you guys know that I haven't posted lately because I'm having major issues with my PC. I think it almost have it fixed and should be back with a DTX of Yoshida Brothers' Rising soon!

This song is completely badass:

Sunday, March 8, 2009

I won't be making a DTX of this. :)

Vamps new video, Trouble. Apparently, it's a cover. It's the B-side of I Gotta Kick Start Now, which releases on 3/13. Obviously the drum machines make it a less than ideal candidate for making into a DTX.

Anyway, sorry there's no new DTX this week. I've been waiting for my new drum brain/module to be delivered, and working on the setup on my drums. I got a Yoki DD908 to go with my Drum Rocker.

I'm still getting it set up, but I can say that it's nice to finally be able to do flams. The Ion midi app wasn't sensitive enough, which made Rush songs even more difficult.

I'll be back to making aimfiles next week. In the meantime, check out some of my favorite simfiles:

(Autoplay warning! Stop the media player on the left side of the screen before watching the video.)

Real Voice - Ayaka

Drink It Down - L'Arc~en~Ciel

Hanabi - Zone

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Vamps - Love Addict

This is Hyde's & K.A.Z's new side project, Vamps. K.A.Z co-produced Hyde's 3rd album, Faith, as well as played guitar, and wrote the music for 5 of the songs. The drums are unlike any other Hyde song I can think of.

They have an official website as well as a MySpace, with blog messages from Hyde & K.A.Z in English. Their new single "I Gotta Kick Start Now" just went on sale.


The simfile is pretty tough in spots. I hope you like it.

Haruhi: Hare Hare Yukai MEGADANCE ver. by Sabbo

I took the version of HHY that I found here. He's got some good stuff. I replaced the video with the creditless "full dance" version, and added my 3 other favorite remakes/parodies of the video, as alternative selectable versions.


It's a really great simfile.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

L'arc~en~Ciel - Nexus 4 by Toinyumi

I didn't make this one, but it's awesome. This was Toinyumi's first DTX, so it's pretty impressive. I didn't put my name on it. He did that after I made a couple minor timing adjustments.

I updated it. The rides were marked as crashes, so I fixed that, and I added the roto-tom samples. I tuned the sample to match the rotos in the song, using Cooledit.

You can download the original version here:

and the updated DTX (text file only) and roto-tom samples here:

In the update, there's a left crash and a right crash version. Just copy into your existing Nexus 4 folder and rename (and delete the unneeded DTX files).

You can visit the discussion thread about it at GDAMania:

Also, here's an incredible drum cover of the song. It's pretty inspiring:

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Hello Asia!

All of my DTXs now have a Mediafire link. Happy downloading!

Here's the direct link to the list:
My File List

Rush - Circumstances

This is one of my favorite Rush songs. I came to Rush late in life (first heard them in '96, I was around 23), and Hemispheres was my introduction. So awesome. I remember spending all day learning the 19-note riff at the beginning of the chorus (you'll hear it in the preview) on the guitar. Took me forever to be able to play it right. We didn't have the internet back then, we had to learn songs by ear! *waves cane*

This DTX was originally converted from a midi (drum tab, midi, what's the difference, right?) and I edited & added to it. The cymbal rolls were the best I could do, and I couldn't resist doing the windchime (since I had one). As usual, the timing's not perfect, but I think it's close enough that you won't notice when you're playing it.


Try it and let me know what you think.......or if you know where I can get poutine in America.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Led Zeppelin - Moby Dick

This is my 2nd DTX. I started it while I was working on my Washington DTX. Obviously it took me much longer to finish, but it's a labor of love. It doesn't get any better than Led Zeppelin.


Download, play it, and let me know what you think. I politely request that you try it the first time with the hit sounds ON. Turn off your fancy brain and enjoy the sounds of awesome.

I also recommend sight reading it. See if you can get an A on your first try. I dare ya. ;)

Monday, February 2, 2009

Hirakawachi 1-chome - Unmei no Mukou

This is a song from my favorite Japanese band, Hirakawachi 1-chome (pronounced "ee-cho-meh", basically). Written as 平川地一丁目 in Japanese. They're brothers, and they've been playing together since they were pretty small.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

P'unk~en~Ciel - Feeling Fine (Live) **UPDATED**

This song gets stuck in my head all the time, and I used to find myself wishing I had a simfile so I could play it, because it sounded really fun. I neglected to think about the fact that it also sounded really hard.

Edit (2/4/09):
I've updated this file with the following changes:

1) The hihats are no longer staggered in the choruses (fast parts). It seemed like a good idea at the time.
2) Latter part of verses are changed (I had it playing the same pattern all the way through, which was incorrect)
3) Corrected cymbal placement in the verses.
4) Lowered volume of hit sounds by 15%.


I made this one a little differently. Ken's not exactly a metronome, so it shifts a lot, tempo-wise. What I did was put 4 bass drums per measure (like a metronome) and nothing else, then I went through and synced the bass drum hits to the song before adding the rest of the beat. It ended up having 30 BPM changes. Madness. Ok, maybe a little Sparta.

I'm not entirely sure it's right, because I'm not entirely sure what Ken's doing in the verses, so suggestions & comments are welcome. So comment, or I'll leave the seat up in your bathroom and get all the ladies mad at you.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Hyde - Midnight Celebration (Live)

This is the live version of Midnight Celebration from the Faith tour. It's a great song. Hyde seems to like it as well, if his enthusiasm is any indicator. What he does not seem to like are microphone stands. He murders a few here.


I'm really happy with this one. It's the first simfile I've made completely by hand since Washington. None of it is converted from a midi. I think it may even be easier to do it by hand, as you don't have to worry about fixing somebody else's mistakes.

I think I might've gone and made it too hard, but I listened very closely to the drum track in both the studio and the live version, and I'm pretty sure I have it right. *Edit* I've noticed after playing it that it's missing hi-hats in a few places that make it unintentionally awkward. I plan to fix that soon, and tweak the file a little.

Comment, or I'll come to your house and use up all your shampoo.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Hyde - Horizon


Another great song from 666. As usual, it's not perfect, but I think it's not too bad.

Enjoy, and feel free to comment. Or not. I'm not the boss of you.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Hyde - Sweet Vanilla


This is one of my favorite Hyde songs, so it was fun working on it. It's funny, I normally never listen to the same song more than twice in one day, because "I don't want to get tired of it". However, when I'm working on a project like a simfile, I end up hearing the song a gazillion times, and it almost never bothers me. I guess maybe it has something to do with having recorded music before, because you often have to play something a bunch of times. It's just interesting how your mind is able to compartmentalize things like that.

There's no official video for the song so I improvised. I'm thinking about adding the Budokan version as well, so you can switch videos by tapping the hihat. Kinda like Shallow Sleep, but opposite.

It's pretty hard. For me, anyway. I might need to revise it a little. I don't think anyone will be FCing it anytime soon. Comments and impressions are welcome as always.

DTXs Gone Wrong

This is a video I threw together to show some DTX disasters. These are songs I haven't gotten around to finishing yet, mostly due to BPM change issues, It's like a musical train wreck.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Hyde - Hideaway


Yay! It's finally done. This song is from Hyde's second album, 666 (don't ask me). It's definitely more straight-ahead rock than anything on Roentgen, so if Shallow Sleep wasn't your thing, you may like this better. It's a song about gardening. Ok, the gardening is probably a metaphor, but it's an interesting one. At least he didn't use personal grooming as a metaphor ("You've grown a bit of a jungle"). Ok....that was just wrong.

The song is almost entirely in English. I've posted the lyrics with the translation in the comment section if you're curious. Watch the video and sing along if you like. "You gotta tear it up and destrooooooy!"

Play the simfile. Post in the comments. Tell me if you like it. I hope you do. :)

Sunday, January 4, 2009

DTXMania Drum Rudiments by Ghostman

This a great set of exercises for DTXMania, created by Ghostman of the forum. It's like finding a sack of drum lessons. That's a good feeling.


Unzip it to your DTXMania folder. It should show up as a new "folder" on the selection screen.

Ghostman's blog:

Check out his weird drumset.

Saturday, January 3, 2009


This one's still technically WIP. Though each time I hear it I think "Oh the bpm issues aren't that bad".

I discovered this song through this incredible video:

It's kinda stuck with me ever since.


Comments are welcome.