Sunday, January 25, 2009

P'unk~en~Ciel - Feeling Fine (Live) **UPDATED**

This song gets stuck in my head all the time, and I used to find myself wishing I had a simfile so I could play it, because it sounded really fun. I neglected to think about the fact that it also sounded really hard.

Edit (2/4/09):
I've updated this file with the following changes:

1) The hihats are no longer staggered in the choruses (fast parts). It seemed like a good idea at the time.
2) Latter part of verses are changed (I had it playing the same pattern all the way through, which was incorrect)
3) Corrected cymbal placement in the verses.
4) Lowered volume of hit sounds by 15%.


I made this one a little differently. Ken's not exactly a metronome, so it shifts a lot, tempo-wise. What I did was put 4 bass drums per measure (like a metronome) and nothing else, then I went through and synced the bass drum hits to the song before adding the rest of the beat. It ended up having 30 BPM changes. Madness. Ok, maybe a little Sparta.

I'm not entirely sure it's right, because I'm not entirely sure what Ken's doing in the verses, so suggestions & comments are welcome. So comment, or I'll leave the seat up in your bathroom and get all the ladies mad at you.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Hyde - Midnight Celebration (Live)

This is the live version of Midnight Celebration from the Faith tour. It's a great song. Hyde seems to like it as well, if his enthusiasm is any indicator. What he does not seem to like are microphone stands. He murders a few here.


I'm really happy with this one. It's the first simfile I've made completely by hand since Washington. None of it is converted from a midi. I think it may even be easier to do it by hand, as you don't have to worry about fixing somebody else's mistakes.

I think I might've gone and made it too hard, but I listened very closely to the drum track in both the studio and the live version, and I'm pretty sure I have it right. *Edit* I've noticed after playing it that it's missing hi-hats in a few places that make it unintentionally awkward. I plan to fix that soon, and tweak the file a little.

Comment, or I'll come to your house and use up all your shampoo.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Hyde - Horizon


Another great song from 666. As usual, it's not perfect, but I think it's not too bad.

Enjoy, and feel free to comment. Or not. I'm not the boss of you.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Hyde - Sweet Vanilla


This is one of my favorite Hyde songs, so it was fun working on it. It's funny, I normally never listen to the same song more than twice in one day, because "I don't want to get tired of it". However, when I'm working on a project like a simfile, I end up hearing the song a gazillion times, and it almost never bothers me. I guess maybe it has something to do with having recorded music before, because you often have to play something a bunch of times. It's just interesting how your mind is able to compartmentalize things like that.

There's no official video for the song so I improvised. I'm thinking about adding the Budokan version as well, so you can switch videos by tapping the hihat. Kinda like Shallow Sleep, but opposite.

It's pretty hard. For me, anyway. I might need to revise it a little. I don't think anyone will be FCing it anytime soon. Comments and impressions are welcome as always.

DTXs Gone Wrong

This is a video I threw together to show some DTX disasters. These are songs I haven't gotten around to finishing yet, mostly due to BPM change issues, It's like a musical train wreck.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Hyde - Hideaway


Yay! It's finally done. This song is from Hyde's second album, 666 (don't ask me). It's definitely more straight-ahead rock than anything on Roentgen, so if Shallow Sleep wasn't your thing, you may like this better. It's a song about gardening. Ok, the gardening is probably a metaphor, but it's an interesting one. At least he didn't use personal grooming as a metaphor ("You've grown a bit of a jungle"). Ok....that was just wrong.

The song is almost entirely in English. I've posted the lyrics with the translation in the comment section if you're curious. Watch the video and sing along if you like. "You gotta tear it up and destrooooooy!"

Play the simfile. Post in the comments. Tell me if you like it. I hope you do. :)

Sunday, January 4, 2009

DTXMania Drum Rudiments by Ghostman

This a great set of exercises for DTXMania, created by Ghostman of the forum. It's like finding a sack of drum lessons. That's a good feeling.


Unzip it to your DTXMania folder. It should show up as a new "folder" on the selection screen.

Ghostman's blog:

Check out his weird drumset.

Saturday, January 3, 2009


This one's still technically WIP. Though each time I hear it I think "Oh the bpm issues aren't that bad".

I discovered this song through this incredible video:

It's kinda stuck with me ever since.


Comments are welcome.