Friday, May 22, 2009

Rap Chop - DJ Steve Porter

It's done. Fastest simfile I've ever made. Here it is. You can now chop to the beat right along with Vince. I had to do it. Consider it a tribute to the genius of DJ Steve Porter.

The drum sounds are mostly classic Roland 808 samples. The lasergun (Simmons?) toms were provided by Sleazy86, and the various Slap Chop samples were slap-chopped out of the dialogue from the original commercial (with my 9 yr old copy of Cooledit). No Slap Chops (or nuts) were harmed in the making of this video.


Tacos, Frettuccine, Linguine, Martini, Bikini...

Thursday, May 14, 2009

L'Arc~en~Ciel - Vivid Colors

I decided to do a song from Hyde's other band (lolz). I was surprised that this wasn't in Meow's collection on GDAMania, so I figured I'd go ahead & remedy that. This one is pretty easy to play, but with blazingly fast fills. It will probably be easy to S, but hard to SS. We sucky people need easy songs too.

I used a mishmash of BaCkDrAfT's drumkits for this one. The toms are from his Solid Maple set. the snare is from the White Ash kit, and the bass drum is from the Coated Fat Boy set, and I believe I used the splash from the Solid Maple also. The rest are from my collection. I really tried to pick sounds that matched the song.

Both versions of the PV/Video are included. I used version 2 for the YT video.


Comments/impressions are welcome.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Hyde - Hello

I'd been overlooking this song because I didn't have the video/PV in my folder-o-videos. I tried to do all the singles first, and I forgot about this one. It's 99.999 perecent done, but as always, I'll probably go back & revise it once. It's a pretty straight forward rock song, but there are some tricky-looking hi-hats in there.

There's a small skip toward the end of the YouTube video that doesn't exist in the simfile. I tried re-encoding, but it just did it again for some reason.


Comments/impressions are welcome.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Yoshida Brothers - Rising

Ok, this one is finally done. Maybe. I always end up going back and revising.

If you've never heard this song, you really should listen to it once. I don't think it's possible to dislike it.

I worked really hard on the simfile, so I hope everyone likes it. I wanted to try to do the song justice, since it kicks so much ass.

I'll probably go back & tweak the keysounds and double check the fills.


Comments are welcome.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Hyde - Shining Over You

There are 2 selectable versions, the one shown here., and a version with both cymbals in the right lane (china & crash).


It's been a while since my last simfile. I started this one a while back, but didn't have time to give it the attention it deserved. When I finally got my computer fixed I decided to finish this one since I wouldn't have to start from scratch. It's coming along really well.

This is probably the most interesting Hyde song I've done yet, from a drumming perspective. Many fills & interesting patterns. It's a really great of the best on the album. Apparently it has some connection to Final Fantasy. I'm really proud of how it came out.

Comments/impressions are welcome.

Edit: Yoshida Brothers' Rising is almost done.